Monday, September 17, 2012

Some thoughts on preludes and postludes

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Not so much along what is the meaning of life, but more along what is the purpose of the prelude and postlude. Granted, for church musicians that could be similar to the meaning of life.

I always find it interesting to observe the practice of various churches during the prelude and postlude. Some churches everyone listens to the music with an utmost reverence to the music. Other churches it may not even be there. Usually churches are somewhere between those two extremes. I have served churches pretty much everywhere on the spectrum. My preferences tend to be more towards them listening to what I play. This does not mean that I am giving a concert every week. That is NOT me. I try to have my selections work with the worship service in the hopes they aid and enhance worship, not detract from the service.

To me, the prelude and postlude are a part of the service. Does that mean that everyone needs to be seated for the entire thing? No. But there should be a sense of respect for the work put in by the musician. This respect should be earned, and after that point it should be honored. It's only fair for the work that has gone into their musical offering.

I know that not everyone can stay and listen to every single note. That would be asking a lot, and frankly, sometimes that can be rather frightening to realize that everyone is listening to you. No pressure. Even if they're appreciative, it can still be intimidating. But I would rather have that than everyone leaving quickly and not really paying attention.

I should head to bed, but I just wanted to get this out there. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good rehearsal

Tonight my choir had an extremely successful rehearsal. Was it perfect? No, of course not. Did we accomplish a lot? I think so. Did we laugh? If you only knew! Did I have to work to keep us on task? Duh. Do I constantly say the same things any choir director I've always sung under has said? Yes, I am constantly reminding them to watch me, follow my tempo, sing the right vowels, you name it.

Boy did we work hard. But I think it was satisfying for all of us. Now time for me to go do my homework. At least I have something to keep me positive!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What did I get myself into?

None of us had any idea how big of a project this would turn out to be. But it needs to be done, or at least attempted before any judgement can be made. This is no small project. It's gonna take a lot of people striving to make things better and to turn the ship around. I certainly didn't know that they'd need my help turning the ship around. I don't think they even knew.

How do you turn a small church in a prime location that does have a lot to offer that no one seems to know about into a still probably small church that people do visit and stay? I don't know if anyone knows the answer, especially as each church is so different from each other. And in a time when it seems like so many other churches are facing the exact same problem, I think the church as a whole needs to change. How? I have no clue. This is not something they train you for in a Bachelor of Music degree program. Yes, it may get mentioned once or twice, but I don't think we all saw this problem coming. The warning signs were certainly there. But let's talk about something that I can at least help change, even though I am nowhere near the expert on this topic.

Yup, that's right. Music.

I still hear "Oh the organ is a dying field. Churches everywhere are switching to praise bands." Not everywhere. On both of those counts. It all depends on where you're at, both physically and spiritually. I've heard from several sources lately that "younger" people, i.e. my generation or thereabouts, care more about the message from the entire service, not just attending a contemporary or traditional service. And I fall into that camp as well. Yes, if I have a choice between a good "contemporary" service or a good "traditional" service I'll choose the traditional service. Granted that's what I want to do with my life as I'm an organist. But I certainly have played for a lot of contemporary services in the last 7 years or so. And quite often enjoyed doing it as well. Shocker!!!! The church organist occasionally likes to play with a drumset, guitars, and some singers.

Each church must find its own voice that makes them unique. And this includes new songs. Notice I did not say just contemporary music. There is new "traditional" style music out there that is really quite good. And there's some really bad stuff out there too. A friend of mine on Facebook had a link to an article entitled Worship Old and New.

"Here’s my take on [critiques of] contemporary music: if it’s a repetitive song, whose words are more or less from the Bible, and accompanied by guitar and drums we call it a praise chorus and deride it. If it’s a repetitive song, whose words are more or less from the Bible and accompanied by the piano or sung a capella, we call it Taize and celebrate it."

How true. You can encounter this scenario almost anywhere. "Oh I love Taize, but I hate contemporary music." Newsflash, Taize has a similar format to a lot of contemporary music.

I am not saying to completely throw everything out the window and start from ground zero. We need to take what we do well and go from there! That will give us better results and we still are true to ourselves. It's a novel idea. Now it's time for me to go practice for tomorrow so the music will be the best it can be.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

So good to be back :)

Last semester I didn't do any dancing for some odd reason. Let's chalk it up to moving to a new place and not knowing anyone in the scene here. However, lately I felt that I needed to get back into dancing. A big part of me was missing. And last Thursday we didn't have choir rehearsal at church so that gave me the motivation to get to the lesson. I can make the advanced lesson after choir practice on a normal week too!

Last night was the first dance of SparX, the Lindy exchange hosted by Case. I can only really go to the dances this weekend due to homework, housework, church, etc. I'm not trying to make excuses, but the five loads of laundry I did today really did need to happen. Probably didn't need to make a whole batch of cinnamon rolls for Bring Your Own Fellowship at church tomorrow, but so worth it!
As I was leaving the dance last night I felt a happiness that I haven't felt in several months that I get from dancing. It's the only "non-music" activity I participate. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "But Michael you're dancing to music, RIGHT???" Well yeah, but I'm not the one making the music. Quite a nice change!

Okay now it's time to go get ready to do some more dancing tonight before getting up waaaay too early for church tomorrow! And Go Packs Go!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

What I realized in the car today

I was thinking as I was driving to church today. I truly like my job. Is it perfect? No. Is this church where I will spend the rest of my life? Probably not. Are there issues out of my control at my church? Most definitely. Will I have battles to fight? I've already had a few and will mostly likely have more.

But rarely a day comes when I dread going to work. That dread often happens when the alarm clock goes off too early, but some of that is my fault for not going to bed earlier than I did. I would love to have some more guts to the sound of the organ as the congregation and choir combined can give me a darn good run for the money, but it's better to have that than me overpowering them no matter what I use.

I know God has a plan for me, but holy cow I am really stubborn some days. Really stubborn. This summer it seemed like this job thing just wasn't fully working out. Yes, I had a paid internship lined up, but nothing was totally certain yet. And then I had to take a review course. I grumbled and griped about a course I didn't need, blah blah blah. Did I ever think that God had me in there for a reason? No. But one day soon after the semester started my prof told me of a job opening for an organist/choirmaster. And yes, it's the job I now have.

When I asked my boss at the cathedral whether I should apply he said, "You'd be stupid not to apply for it." He has a way of being black and white, which I greatly appreciate. Less than a month later the church hired me, the fresh out of undergrad organist.

There are challenges, especially being a smaller congregation, so numbers aren't always high. But the talent is clearly visible both in the volunteers and the paid singers. Sure, they're not perfect, but neither am I. We can only offer our best to God, and that's all that is asked of us.

How fortunate to enjoy going to my job, even when I'm in the midst of a vacation and will be there on weekends when everyone else is off. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking back at the last year

I know this is my first post, but why not start by looking back at the last year, especially in these last few hours of this year? 2010 certainly has been an eventful year.

I did an independent study during J-term. In other words I did some research about Max Reger and practiced. Not a bad way to spend January in Minnesota. On the 17th I had my audition here at CIM. My mom drove down from Caledonia and was here with me throughout the day. Little did I know how much that day would change my life! Also, I started working with Viking Chorus, our first year men's ensemble on a regular basis. What a fun thing to do!

I started my last semester of undergrad. Was it only ten months ago? I had my audition at Yale the last weekend of the month, and getting out there was a pain to say the least!!!! We had clear skies in Minnesota, but the east coast was getting slammed with a huge blizzard making it impossible to go anywhere. Fortunately I made it to Philadelphia and stayed an unexpected night with my cousin. It was great to see her! The next morning while waiting for my flight I found out I was accepted at CIM! By that point I wanted to get back on a plane to Minnesota!!! I am glad I went through with the rest of the trip. Finally made it to New Haven and had the audition. I think the audition was okay, but I had this NASTY head cold so by that point I didn't really care. Flew back late that night to be back for church the next morning where I got to conduct Viking Chorus when they sang during Communion. It felt nice to be back in Minnesota.

What a busy month! The very next day after I got to conduct Viking in Chapel on the 28th of February was a concert with some of the Northfield Youth Choirs and a girl's choir from Estonia. I helped Chorale, the high school group out as their accompanist was out of commission. And the final piece was Katie Moran Bart's "Blessing," which I got to play!!!!!!! Me! It was amazing. The biggest thing for me was my senior recital on the 19th. Everything came together, some things at the very last minute. I had quite a large crowd for an organ recital, and for a recital on a Friday night! And my teacher was there this year :) The Howells Psalm 23 was stunning and that's the piece for which I received the most compliments. And the next day my family, uncle and cousin, and the Grinsteinners all went up to St. Paul for the afternoon. Right after we got to the Science Museum I found out that I wasn't accepted into Yale's program, but that was a prayer answered! By that point I wanted to go to CIM, so this took care of that problem.

Continued working with Viking Chorus. They were starting to really make music with my pieces, but I always wanted them to go farther! Went to Pres Ball with Lindsey Giaquinto as friends. Her boyfriend was out of town and I didn't want to have a lot of pressure, so this worked out perfectly. Viking and Manitou, the first year women's chorus, had their combined spring concert and I got to conduct the VERY FIRST PIECE ON THE PROGRAM!!!!!! One of the coolest things I've done. Ever.

My last concert during my college career with the Northfield Youth Choirs. I'm choking up a bit just thinking about it. Mark and I had a blast working with the Troubadours and with each other. I even got to play a piece with the youngest singers, who are in kindergarten and first grade! Right before the last two mass choir pieces Liz did her thank you's and she singled me out as it was my last concert. She made me cry! Singing "Blessing" with the entire Northfield Youth Choir Program was such a great send off. Sadly I went home for the funeral of a very close family friend who I've known my entire life. Carrie, his daughter, called me asking if I could come home as they wanted good organ music for her dad's funeral. It was difficult, but a worthwhile thing to do for both me and the family. The church also offered me a job if I wanted one, which provided some much needed encouragement to me. I then got to spend a day at home doing nothing but relaxing. As finals were approaching, it was exactly what I needed! Next was graduation! Wow what a flurry of events that last week before the actual day! A lot of great memories, including FINALLY getting to drive Ferg's military toys out on the farm. Baccalaureate was wonderful and we were all crying. Graduation itself was HOT, but fun. And the next morning the last of my remaining swing friends on campus came into my room before I left so I got a proper goodbye with them all.

Chad and Jen got married!!!!!! I was so honored-and still am-that I was one of the few they invited to a beautiful wedding up on Higgins Lake! Otherwise June consisted of working at the golf course again and subbing at churches.

My mom and I came down to Cleveland and found my apartment! Also met with Greg, my boss at the cathedral. I still am in awe that I get to work in that beautiful space. The next weekend my cousin got married down in Columbus. A very nice wedding and it was fun to see my mom's family for a happy occasion! Two weeks later one of my closest friends from the church I went to in high school and breaks during college when I wasn't subbing somewhere got married and I played for the wedding. She specifically wanted piano only, and I had a lot of fun. It was a beautiful wedding and very much Michelle and Matt.

Our family took a few days to go up to Juniper beach and relax before I went off to grad school. We always enjoy being up there and right on the water. My mom and I also went to the Chihuly exhibit at the Meijer Gardens and it was really fun to see where he had placed something, including the swamps! On the 12th I turned 23 and moved to Cleveland! Holy buckets it was a HOT day!!!! I also started grad school the next week! Lots of changes!

My parents came to visit me over Labor Day weekend, which it was nice to have them here for a weekend. I also got to sub for one of my profs at a church in Hudson, Ohio. Nice to get out of Cleveland for a bit! She also told me about a job opening as the organist at a church, which I applied for and my audition was at the end of the month. I got the job!!!!!!

I had my first Sunday October 10th and I was so nervous!!! But it all went well and it's a wonderful church. I couldn't ask for much more from my first church. I also went home for fall break, a nice respite and Riley the dog was very glad to have some company for a few days!

My parents come down the weekend the organ studio performs the entire works of Franck. We got a lot of snow out at my church the day before, which was perfect for the Holiday Bazaar! The Franck recitals were long, but good. Went home for Thanksgiving, so still able to do that. Played for a service for someone. It was insane!!! We were supposed to be in the chapel, but that organ had a cipher, once I finally figured out how to get into the organ loft! We made the executive decision to hold the service in the sanctuary so I had basically no time to sight read the ensemble pieces and register the hymns! But it all went well.

Finished up classes nice and early, which was very helpful. On the 5th the kids sang with the Adult Choir and it went well! But dang it was a lot of work... Worth it though. Lots of work with church getting ready for Christmas and naturally my car was acting up during part of that prep time. Oh joy... Christmas Eve went better than I could have ever imagined with 18 people in my choir!!!!!! And a brass quartet!!!!! Everything came together so nicely and it was a beautiful service. Got back to Michigan at 2 AM safely. Christmas was relaxing with my family, my Uncle Ken and two of our neighbors. We laughed a lot. And now I'm back in Cleveland excited for a new year and everything that 2011 has to look forward to.

God has blessed me so much and I always try to remember that. Have a great 2011!